Nandur Madhmeshwar Bird Sanctuary : Nashik

One Of A Kind Bird Sanctuary

Nandur Madhmeshwar Bird SanctuaryNandur Madhmeshwar is a must see bird sanctuary that is located in the Niphad Tehsil of Nashik. This sanctuary is located along the Nandur Madhmeshwar dam at the confluence of the Godavari and Kadwa rivers. It comprises of evergreen forest, trees and a spectacular lake which is always over flowing.

The Nandur Madhmeshwar sanctuary houses more than 220 species of birds, 400 species of vegetation, 24 species of fishes and several small mammals. The place has both resident as well as migratory birds. The migratory birds found in this sanctuary are White Stork, Glossy Ibis, Spoonbills, Flamingo, Goose Brahminy Duck, Pintails, Cranes Shanks, Godwits, Weavers, etc. The resident birds include Black Ibis, Spot Bills, Teals, Little Grebe, Cormorants, Egrets, Herons, Stork, Kites, Vultures etc.

The nature lovers shall be glad to learn that the Nandur Madhmeshwar Bird Sanctuary is now counted as one of the important fowl water habitats by the “International Union Of Conservation Of Nature”. So why wait? hurry and plan a visit soon.

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Nandur Madhmeshwar Bird Sanctuary