Naroshankar Temple : Nashik

Marvelous Example Of Maya Architecture

Naroshankar TempleThe Naroshankar Temple is situated in Panchavati area about 2km from Central Bus Stand of Nashik. It is on the banks of the sacred river Godavari. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is constructed by Naroshankar Rajebahaddur in 1747 and hence the name.

The Naroshankar Temple is a great example of the architectural style called “Maya” dating back to the 18th century. The designs on the exterior of the temple are just breath taking with one layer is of decorative lacework and the next of peacocks holding bead garlands. In four directions are statues of the saints in Padmasana. In its four corners are umbrellas – called “Meghadambari” or “Barasati”. One of them was washed away in Godavari floods and only three are existing presently.

The front of the Naroshankar Temple there is a huge bell called as the “Naroshankar Bell”. This bell was put as a memory of the victory over the Portuguese. It is made of bronze, with six feet diameter and the year 1921 engraved on it. It is believed that the jingle of the “Naroshankar Bell” can be heard upto 5miles. The local people also say that in future whenever the water of the Godavari shall touch this bell the entire city of Nashik shall drown in water.

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Naroshankar Temple